Saturday, January 19, 2013

Updates to TI 84 Plus C Silver Edition Calculator

Hey guys,

I decided to bring up one of the best calculators that will be available in the spring.  The TI 84 Plus C Silver Edition calculator will incorporate TI BASIC programming that will be a little bit more advanced than before.  The command lines will look a little different and new functions (I think, but not sure) will be on this calculator.  Hopefully, TI is incorporating some color functions, or at least RGB, when making programs.  There will be a rechargeable port for the device and who knows if I can make certain .mp3 or .mp4 songs available on the calculator.  Maybe TI should incorporate some Objective-C programming to make a UI on the Home Screen similar to the Casio fxCG20, where mobile apps could be available on TI calculators.  Maybe TI should redesign the apps that are more appealing to eye.  I would say make it look like apps on an iPhone or Android device when it comes to the app's layout.  That would make more people "jailbreak" or "root" their TI 84 Plus C Silver Edition calculator! Anyway, thank you guys for reading and leave a comment at the bottom of the page if you have any questions.  I will see you guys next time!



January RoundUp: CAD Projects for TI 83/84 and CES

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been writing a lot.  I have been working on projects that must go through all these procedures for the calculator.  Anyway, I decided to discuss what has happened in the month of January.  So far, I have been working on my CAD drawings for you guys.  You should expect those drawings to be available some time in February.  These will incorporate the many ideas I have for the TI 84 and what I might do to the TI 84 Plus C Silver Edition calculator.  In January, we have all heard or at least seen some something that happened at CES 2013.  Some things that stood out to me were the Tegra 4 processor, Project Shield, Samsung's idea of flexible devices, Huawei Ascend Mate, and the Pebble watch.  The Tegra 4 processor will be amazing with 72 GPUs, 4G LTE, and its of course quad core.  In the year of 2013, a lot of phones will be quad core and might have more RAM and available space than before.  Project Shield is a great new PC Platform Mobile device.  It's similar to the Wii U when it comes to looks and game play, but this project allows you to take it with you on the go and you can store it onto NVIDIA's cloud whenever you want to save it.  Samsung's unveiling of a flexible device has caught the attention of programmers and engineers.  This idea is great for all users because if flexibility can be achieved, then folding your device into a small compact cube could be possible.  I see this as the new change in devices and smartphones could be 7 inches in display, while also being extremely small in your pocket.  That brings me to my next point, the Huawei Ascend Mate phone.  The new Android smartphone is a 6.1 inch, quad core, 4050 mAh phone.  This phone is one of the greatest Android phones that I saw at CES and hopefully will be on many carriers in the United States.  I can't wait to have a chance to use this phone and hopefully, make a review right here!  Lastly, we saw the Pebble watch, which will start "smart-watch" battle.  The Pebble watch allows you to connect to your smartphone device (preferably the iPhone because they are still working on Android capabilities) and get notifications such as tweets, emails, and missed calls.  It has been said that this is the beginning of the smart-watch battle and that many more watches (like the post I talked about the iWatch) will come out.  There you have it guys.  Many new devices will be available this year and many new apps like Temple Run 2 will hopefully be available on all platforms (including the TI 83/84!).  Thank you guys for reading and I will see you next time!

